Ghosting – The Right And Wrong Time To Do It When Dating
What is ‘Ghosting’? - Ghosting is when you randomly stop communicating with a love interest or someone you are dating with no warning or explanation. I’m a ghoster and I’m not completely ashamed, even though I know it’s a bad thing.
Ask Oloni – I’m Pregnant And Afraid To Let Him Know He’ll Be A Father Again
Your favourite sex and relationship agony aunt Disclaimer: All dilemmas have been sent from real people and taken from but answered in this feature in more detail. I met someone on Twitter, we were getting to know each other, had sex
Why You Should Say No To A Consolation Ring
As if you haven’t already realised; it’s that time of the year again! An abundance of enviably beautiful couples are getting hitched in dream locations and uploading their picturesque ceremonial photos #FortheGram for the whole world to see. Your friends are
Dating Tips For The Introverted Woman
Introverts are a complex people. They are usually extremely innovative, they just really really value their alone time. People often associate introversion with shyness and reclusiveness but psychologically, there is no link. They prefer their solitude as opposed to extroverts
4 Signs You Are Timing The Title
They say all good things come to those who wait. But what if you have been patient in the past and nothing good has come from it? You have found yourself in promising almost-relationships that suddenly came to a standstill.
How To Survive A Pity Date
‘Oloni, isn’t this a blog where you’re supposed to give advice and not encourage women to go out on pity dates?’ - Well no, lol giving advice is just one of the features on this blog. Simply Oloni is an
8 Signs That Show He Will Never Want A Relationship With You
I'm always being asked by women how to tell if a guy isn't interested in pursuing them all the way, and I get it because I too have asked this question. I've ignored the blatant signs that scream 'he likes
5 Women Who Confess To Why They Cheated
For the past couple of months I've been visiting universities and hosting sex and relationship debates. The first question I always start off with as a quick ice breaker is, 'Who cheats more, men or women?'. You'll always get the
How To Tell Your Friend You Don’t Want To Listen To Her Relationship Issues Any More
Is it ever okay to tell your friend you don't want to hear about their relationship problems any more? She might not even be in a relationship with the guy, but you're still tired of hearing his name, the way