Ghosting – The Right And Wrong Time To Do It When Dating
What is ‘Ghosting’? - Ghosting is when you randomly stop communicating with a love interest or someone you are dating with no warning or explanation. I’m a ghoster and I’m not completely ashamed, even though I know it’s a bad thing.
12 Things You Should Stop Saying To Single People
Being single is not a curse, so why do people always talk to you as if there's something wrong once they find out your relationship status? A lot of people ENJOY their singleness but admittedly, there are some who are
The Rabbit Dating App Is Finally Here
Ann Summers are at it again, and not with a brilliant sex toy this time. Now they've brought us an amazing dating Rabbit app! It makes a lot of sense, did you know that 81% of those between 18-34 start a
The Netflix And Chill App
Now we're all familiar with the phrase 'Netflix And Chill' all you have to do is search the hashtag on any social media platform and you'll find thousands of results where people are found referencing the phrase. If you're not familiar