3 Types Of One-sided Relationships You Should Avoid
“Be picky with who you invest your time in, wasted time is worse than wasted money.” It is said that you are treated the way you allow yourself to be treated. But you and I both know that may not always
The Pros And Cons Of Confessing That You Cheated On Him
Some people say women cheat better than men, while others may think that the fact that we are emotional creatures hinders us from being able to do so without letting our emotions get the better of us. This is a
Why You Should Say No To A Consolation Ring
As if you haven’t already realised; it’s that time of the year again! An abundance of enviably beautiful couples are getting hitched in dream locations and uploading their picturesque ceremonial photos #FortheGram for the whole world to see. Your friends are
The Hoe Stories Everyone On Twitter Was Talking About
At around 2am this morning I asked women to send me their most ‘hoeish’ escapades they’ve ever been involved in. I posted them all anonymously on my account and next thing you know I was trending for several hours on
11 Questions To Ask The Side Chick Your Boyfriend Cheated On You With
A blog post about calling the side woman? Yes. Why? Because let's face it, it happens and although I don't always encourage this move sometimes the action has to be made, because if he's cheating on you, he's probably lying
5 Women Who Confess To Why They Cheated
For the past couple of months I've been visiting universities and hosting sex and relationship debates. The first question I always start off with as a quick ice breaker is, 'Who cheats more, men or women?'. You'll always get the
6 Reasons Why You Wouldn’t Want Him To Leave His Girlfriend For You
You have found out your exclusive relationship isn’t so exclusive. So, now what? Maybe you have decided to swiftly remove yourself from the situation and get on with your life or you might feel like you are stuck in limbo
How To Tell Your Friend You Don’t Want To Listen To Her Relationship Issues Any More
Is it ever okay to tell your friend you don't want to hear about their relationship problems any more? She might not even be in a relationship with the guy, but you're still tired of hearing his name, the way
#AskOloni The Long Distance Relationship
Your favourite sex and relationship agony aunt Disclaimer: All dilemmas have been sent from real people and taken from www.simplyoloni.com/ask but answered in this feature in more detail. The Long Distance Relationship Hi, I have been with my partner for 6