Pitch Perfect 2 (2015)
In 2012 we were first introduced to the Barden Bellas, an all-girl acapella group from Barden University who were determined to win the campus acapella competition. My friend first introduced me to this film and I am so glad she did because I absolutely LOVE the film! Therefore I was eagerly awaiting the sequel and hoping it would be just as good if not better than the first. Which thankfully it most definitely was!
Pitch Perfect 2 finds the girls 3 years later, and now 3 times champions of the campus acapella competition. However after a (hilarious!) disastrous performance in front of Obama – if you’ve seen the trailer you’ll know what happens! (pictured left) – the Bellas are suspended. As a way to be re-instated they ask to compete in the World Championships, a competition in which no American group has ever won. Their request is if they win, the suspension is lifted. They are granted permission and the film follows them as they prepare for the Championships. Their main competition are DSM from Germany, headed by two very tall beautiful people – there is a lot of very funny trash talk between the two groups as they try to put each other down!
As well as the run up to the competition the story follows Beca (Anna Kendrick) as she prepares for life after graduation, Fat Amy (Rebel Wilson) as she comes to terms with her feelings for Bumper (Adam Devine) and new girl Emily (Hailee Steinfeld – pictured on the right with Kendrick) who’s mum had been a Bella too. The storyline’s all mix well together but Fat Amy definitely has more of a role than in the first one so expect a lot more laughter from her character this time round!
The music is just as good in this film, the mash-ups all work well together and there is a great mix of old and new songs – including ‘Flashlight’ which Emily has written herself (in reality it’s Jessie J who wrote the song!) and is a great song that you’ll be singing way after the film ends. Of course there is the traditional Riff-Off where groups all sing against each other (this time guest-starring the American Football Team The Green Bay Packers!) and there is also a beautiful version of Cups (the breakout song from the first film) which all the girls sing together round a camp fire and will most definitely bring a tear to your eye!
Overall I absolutely loved the film, it’s just as good as the first one but with even more laughs. It’s directed and produced by the brilliant Elizabeth Banks – who is also back as Gail, one of the commentators (with some fabulous hairstyles!). There’s even a cameo from Snoop Dogg! You’ll be laughing the whole way through, it’s a great feel-good film and I shall most definitely be watching it over and over again!