How Many Female Friends Is Too Many?
Being in a relationship with a man means you’re placed on a different pedestal compared to any other woman in his life, apart from his mother of course. Sometimes we often expect the man we’re in a relationship to cut down the communication he has with other women. It seems so natural to do so as it would put any girl off if every other woman he was friends with, gained the same amount of attention only you are supposed to be entitled to.
Does having too many female friends mean anything anyway? Could he genuinely just enjoy the relationships he has or could this just show insecurities on our side? Besides…would we complain if these females had their genitalia replaced with a male’s?
A male friend of mine had this exact same issue, where he felt he had a lot of friends who were women. Relationships which were all strictly platonic, but admitted that after meeting someone he cared about, he wanted to slowly nip those friendships in the bud.
I’ve had countless phone conversations with girls who drive themselves crazy because they can’t stand the fact that their partner has so many friends of the opposite sex. Some would expect the transition to slowly convert once you’ve become exclusive, while others wouldn’t feel the need to. Friendship has no gender – right? Or does it?