FaceTime Beauty Tricks
Its late and you’ve already prepped yourself for bed. Spot cream on, face shiny from moisturising and toning, lips overly greased in order for them to be soft and plump in the morning. Then you get that message: “FaceTime?” and annoying as it may seem your now dashing around the room fixing your face and hair.
But no longer will this be an issue. I’m going to give you some beauty tricks on how to look as natural and hot as possible in less than 10 mins for those before bed facetime sessions.
Trick 1- Look Awake
The best way to look amazing on facetime is to cover up any dark marks under your eyes. Instead of using a concealer, get yourself a corrector which is a lighter coverage and corrects all blemishes and dark marks. This gives you a nice awaken look without being too over the top. This can also lighten up your face, which will give you a nice glowing look.
Trick 2 – Eyebrows on Fleek
I cannot stress how important eyebrows are. They frame the face and give it structure. If you have thick eyebrows then just brush them into place and go with it. If you fill them in, use a lighter hand and a slightly lighter colour so that they aren’t too in your face for that time of night.
Trick 3 – Matte skin
Shining skin on facetime is such a no no as the camera (whether its a webcam or the front phone of your iPhone) is not forgiving and lighting sure isn’t either. Having a really shiny face can make you look greasy and gross. Get your hands on a moisturiser that controls the oils on your face and mattes it. This will give your skin a natural look and subdued shine. Gel creams are usually the best moisturisers for this.
Trick 4 – Lips
The lips are pretty simple. Just keep them moisturised and if you want to add a little something chuck on some clear gloss.
Trick 5 – Hair
Whether your hair is short, long, wavy, curly, straight etc., put it in whatever style you do around the house when no ones around, be it in a bun, two buns, down, two cornrows, as long as your hair looks neat and tidy it wont be a problem.
Lastly, the ultimate thing to remember is not to look over done and but to look messily pretty. So ladies there you have it. Some simple tricks to look effortless and au natural for those random Facetime sessions with you know who.