Sending Unsolicited Dick Pics
I just want to take a moment to throw the topic out there regarding the strange phenomenon of 'unsolicited dick pics’, something usually seldom discussed but often experienced. Simply Oloni are pretty sure most women have in their cyber life experienced
3 Reasons Why You Will Stay Single
There’s no secret that we as women, sometimes envision the perfect man of our dreams and have boxes that we want ticked before we even consider dating him. Being single is great and many of us are single out of choice
All My Single Ladies: Burn Your List
The infamous list! We all have them. It may not be written down, It could just be a mental note. But either way it's there. And every so often we pull it out the bag when we come across a guy that
When To Say Goodbye To Your Boyfriend
Sometimes when you are in a relationship – new or old – it can be hard to identify when it’s time to break up with your partner. When you’ve just gotten with someone it is easy to dismiss red flags because
The Social Stigma Behind Black Women And Their Beauty
Guest writer Anthony Olanipekun speaks about some of the problems black women face
2015’s Romantic Breaks For The Non-Romantics
There is nothing like a short, or long, getaway with the one you love and, if you are anything like me, you've probably already picked 2015’s holiday destinations. But I’d be lying if I said I wasn't board of seeing the
Is Good Sex More Important Than A Good Relationship?
When it comes to relationships, what is more important to you? Good sex, or a healthy relationship? And is it possible to have one without the other? No, I don’t think you have to choose between the two. I believe you
More About Situationships
What do you call it when you've been ‘seeing’ a guy for about a year or more? In my quest to answer this question, I had a conversation with my friends, both male and female. Obviously the answers were total
The Men Who Cheat To Be With You
A lot of women have e-mailed me regarding the fact that they have identified themselves as ‘the other woman’ in hopes that the guy they are having an affair with will soon leave his girlfriend to be with them and