Don’t Be The Bag Lady
Relationships come and go often, especially for those of us in our twenties. See, we're at an age where we are attempting to figure out what works and doesn't work according to our standards. We are trying to figure out
Why We Don’t Want To Be The Hook-Up Culture Any More
The hook up culture primarily involves those who enjoy the sex with no strings attached lifestyle. It focuses solely on the physical without getting emotionally tied up with the person you’re experiencing sexual pleasure with. It's tiring, we've finally decided that
6 Habits For A Healthy Relationship
I do not know about you, but it has now become my sole intention to avoid a relationship plagued with toxicity, heartache and consistent tears on my pillow. Whilst conflict is a natural part of every relationship and I am not
Where To Meet Mr Right
Most of the questions that are sent to me via Ask Oloni are usually to do with a woman who has never had a boyfriend or dated. The girl who has grown up and seen her friends fall in and
Rock, Paper, Boyfriend
We’ve all heard of the phrase ‘Chicks before d*cks’ but why does this rule never work? Nor hold any value? I’ll tell you why, because sometimes/most times it’s not actually true. How many times can you say you’ve had a
Funny Sex Toy Stories
I remember how old I was when I first bought a rabbit (God I hope my mother isn’t reading this) I was around 19. The look on my friends faces when I showed them what I purchased online was even
Hotel Lingerie Pieces
It’s the first hotel getaway with your boyfriend and your trying to figure out what underwear to pack as you know, it’s going to go down. Do you go all out with suspenders or do you pack a simple lace
How Strong Is Your Pull-Out Game?
'I’m comfortable with him just pulling out because essentially I trust him. We do use condoms now and again' 20-30 something-year-olds have now been named as the ‘pull-out generation’ according Ann Friedman who wrote in New York Magazine The Cut. She
The Woman Who Found Love At Simply Oloni’s Mingling Soirée
'It was so unlike anything I had done before and I thought there was a slight stigma attached, like it was a bit desperate,' It's been a few months after Simply Oloni’s FIRST ever Mingling Soirée and I know exactly what