The Awkward Honeymoon Stage in Your Relationship
The beginning of new found romance is always terribly exciting; getting to know each others likes and dislikes, that first moment of intimacy, date nights, meeting each others friends and family. You cannot deny that there aren’t many experiences as
The Serial Dating Mini Manual
Since the beginning of the year, the dating scene and I have become very good friends. I have always been the kind of girl that couldn't stand wasn’t particularly fond of the idea of being single, which for a long time
Ella December on Emotional Abuse – The Scars You Don’t See
He lied to me, he cheated and he always treated me badly. Somehow he always made me feel like it was my fault. He had this ability to turn my anger at his wrongdoings into my disappointment within myself. I remember
5 Reasons Sex With a Younger Man Is Always Amazing
With a little imagination, any girl can think of at least 5 possible reasons why sex with younger men would always be amazing. But nothing is ever as revealing as the experience. Take it from me, years of being active
A-level Results Day – The University Of Freshers
Congratulations to everyone who got a spot at university. Even if you never got the grades you wanted, well done for getting this far. A-levels or BTEC you’re ready for that next step. Freedom. I graduated last year and I wish
Why Love And Hip Hop Is Bad For Relationships
Love and Hip Hop is supposed to be a reality TV show that shares what happens behind the scenes in the music industry. We’re shown what goes on between artists in the studio and within their private lives. To many
How To Handle New Relationships
It had never really occurred to me how major the step between liking somebody and taking that leap from 'friendship' to relationship really is. I actually feel like I have stepped into a VIP area of coupledom that I had
13 Sex Etiquette Rules Women Shouldn’t Have To Remind You About
Last night I decided to ask Twitter what they thought should be seen as a sexual etiquette before, during and after sex. I had mixed answers, but got a bigger response from the guys. I’m assuming some of the women
Does The Size Of His Penis Really Matter?
A bit of banter between my boyfriend and his best friend inspired my quest to investigate the much debated topic on whether the size of a mans penis really matters and how much women actually care about the length of