Behaviour That People Think Is Negative But Are Healthy For You
Anger Anger has been looked at as a negative emotion, an emotion that we should forever keep under control. When you’ve been wronged and your personal boundaries have been crossed, an emotional energy rises up in you when you’re absolutely pissed.
The New Type Of Trophy Wife
Recently on E! News it was reported that the phrase “Trophy Wife” has a new meaning. This was due to the newly wed famous couple Amal and George Clooney. Since getting married to the human rights lawyer, she has practically
The Detox That You Need In Life
There comes a time in life where you need to have a good ol’ detox. No, I’m not talking about the juicing cleansing kind, (although those are good and super yummy) I’m talking about a mental detox, getting rid of
4 Tips For University
Alcohol, partying, the morning after next, crazy house mates, sudden 9 AM’s, readings, assignments. It all seems like a hassle doesn't it? Wouldn't it be easier if you could just snuggle up in bed till noon, have breakfast in bed,
Popping The Question
After a number of dates and 5 hour conversations, it's clear the feelings are mutual. Your intentions are clear and so are his. Wrapped up in the emotional and mental connection are the physical ones. Dates are getting a little heated
Why Every 18 to 20 Something Year Old Should Be Selfish
“The years between eighteen and twenty-eight are the hardest, psychologically. It’s then you realize this is make or break, you no longer have the excuse of youth, and it is time to become an adult.” – Helen Mirren Mentally they are;
5 Positive Habits That Will Help You Every Day
Gratitude Gratitude is the act of showing appreciation for and the return of kind acts. Sometimes we sit there and complain about the things we don’t have or the things we wish we have; when really we should be thinking and thankful