The Reality Of Freezing Your Eggs
Recently tech companies Facebook and Apple added egg freezing to the list of health benefits available to their employees, and with TV shows like New Girl and Being Mary Jane also bringing it to our attention, an increasing number of
Why You Should Create And Own a Vision Board
Above is a vision board the editor-in-chief of Simply Oloni made in 2009 at 19 years old. The impact of these boards can be very life changing as they are a powerful visualization tool. Under the universal law of attraction you
Figuring Out Your 20’s
“Sometimes growing up has to be done” – said one my good friends. Of course some sort of growing up has to be done when we hit that 18/21 year old mark, but that shouldn’t stop you from embracing your child-like
5 Ways To Get Your Creative Juices Flowing
Whether you’re an artist or not, there is always a creative aspect to anything you do. There’s no doubt, with deadlines rummaging around our minds, sometimes we get stuck in a rut and tend to run to our comfort zones,
The Dream Nation Gala Photo That Had Many People Talking
A few days ago a picture posted on Instagram of a few black students went viral on UK Twitter. The photo above displays them practically being goofy at the Dream Nation Gala event, (that we told you all about weeks
Ways To Save And Spend
Here at Simply Oloni we have a few ways on how to keep track on what you spend! We've made a list that have some great tips on how to save money, especially for university students
The Social Stigma Behind Black Women And Their Beauty
Guest writer Anthony Olanipekun speaks about some of the problems black women face
How To Stick To Your New Year’s Resolutions
So we're all in the new year and I'm sure many of you witnessed the “New year, new me” tweets on twitter and across every other social network known to man. According to psychologists, most of us set goals that
How I Got My DREAM Internship At Cosmopolitan
The editor of Simply Oloni shares how she got an internship with Cosmopolitan