Case Of The Ex
“Just ignore her babe, she’s just jealous.”
This might be the kind of thing you hear on a regular basis if you have to deal with a bitter ex-girlfriend. But have you ever thought that your man should do something about it?
From rumour spreading to suspicious private-numbered drop calls, some exes can really torment you. Constant indirecting on Twitter and Facebook etc etc.
But what can you do if the ex is a permanent fixture in your partner’s life, ie, the mother of his child?
A friend of mine admitted recently that the mother of her boyfriend’s child is whipped and continuously writes heartfelt statuses about him whenever he comes around to visit their son. Whilst she was clearly furious and wanted to retaliate instantly, her boyfriend told her not to because she should know better and be what he described, ‘bigger woman’.
There are several relationships that exist where an ex is seen as the third party, jealous, bitter or trying their hardest to worm their way back in some how. Ugh! However is it the responsibility of the girlfriend to be the peacemaker in a situation when she’s clearly being antagonised?
Shouldn’t your other half have words with his ex about what is or isn’t appropriate?
I think there’s a couple of ways to deal with this kind of situation:
You turn your attention away from her and towards your other half. Make it clear that you don’t want to be packing away his baggage for the entirety of your relationship. Simply ignore her because sooner or later she will get bored and accept your place in his life, unless you and him decide otherwise.
No, he can’t control whether she still has feelings for him, but he can let her know that he’s moved on, so respect has to be formed and communicated.
Understand, you can’t continue going back and forth with his ex because and you will both come out the loser. Eventually, Mr. Right won’t be able to stand being the Mr. In the Middle and will soon find it hard to differentiate between you and his ex.
What do you think? How do you deal with an ex that can’t move on? Who is responsible for setting them straight?