Behaviour That People Think Is Negative But Are Healthy For You
Anger has been looked at as a negative emotion, an emotion that we should forever keep under control. When you’ve been wronged and your personal boundaries have been crossed, an emotional energy rises up in you when you’re absolutely pissed. This type of emotional energy can be a motivating source, as research has shown, anger can push you towards your goals when facing obstacles and problems.
I’m always down for a good ol’ cry, because crying is the body’s natural way of saying something is wrong, however tears can be tears of loss or of joy. Crying allows the body to get rid toxins and negative energy that may make us feel rigid.
Being on your lonesome
For some old reason, if you like spending time alone or are mostly alone, the chances are you’re always branded as the weird one, or the loser. Being alone is in fact a good thing. Finding solitude in this crazy wired up world is one of the best investments in life that you can make. Due to the likes of social media, we’re always one call, text or snap away from the next person, but when you shut these down for a bit, you’ll find that you find inspiration and re-find your sense of creativity.
Breaking the rules
Isn’t breaking the rules fun? ‘Breaking the rules are made by people, and none of us are perfect’ – Brett Bevell via Lifehack; challenging the rules made up by people inspires innovation because someone was courageous to challenge the rules of that something. Just take a look at the infamous Bansky, art is normally created on a piece of paper, but he took art to the streets and painted everywhere and anywhere.
Not listening to outer sources
I’m not saying go on a ‘fuck the world’ moment and become anti-social. I’m saying that listening and taking advice too literally can steer you into the wrong choices and places. Everyone has this thing called intuition, most of us tend to ignore this inner feeling and tend to look for outer sources when figuring out problems and making choices in life. If you ask outer sources for advice or help and they all say the same thing but your gut tells you otherwise, then we know what the right thing is to do here. Listen to your gut, because it knows best, I can’t tell you how many tells I’ve listened to shitty advice and my gut is telling me something else.
Not fitting in
Let me tell you this, not fitting is a fucking awesome thing. Yeah, sure sometimes not fitting into a social group can be awkward and frustrating, it can make you seem as if you struggle to socialise with other social beings. Just because you think differently, it doesn’t mean that you should conform to ideas you don’t agree with. Take your ideas on a journey, and run wild with them, you never know, someone may agree with you and also follow you on a new path.