13 Sex Etiquette Rules Women Shouldn’t Have To Remind You About
Last night I decided to ask Twitter what they thought should be seen as a sexual etiquette before, during and after sex. I had mixed answers, but got a bigger response from the guys. I’m assuming some of the women
Moregasm Ann Summers Latest Sex Toy Collection – It’s Coming!
Get ready to chuck out all your old sex toys, you’re going to need room in your drawer for Ann Summers latest sex toy range, Moregasm. What’s great about this new collection is that it does not disappoint at all
Why We Don’t Want To Be The Hook-Up Culture Any More
The hook up culture primarily involves those who enjoy the sex with no strings attached lifestyle. It focuses solely on the physical without getting emotionally tied up with the person you’re experiencing sexual pleasure with. It's tiring, we've finally decided that
#AskOloni My Boyfriend And My Natural Hair
Me, Him, Her and Her. 'Hi Oloni, I’ve been in an on and off relationship with this guy for about 4 years now. We now have a baby together. However he has other children with other women. We try and stay
Oloni’s Relationship Webinar – Dating With A Purpose
You read that title right! This Sunday at 10.30PM BST I will be having my first LIVE webinar EXCLUSIVELY for Simply Oloni subscribers. I will be discussing what it means to date with a purpose and explaining the steps in
Ruby Rose Speaks About Gender Fluidity
Ruby Rose is the newest face to land in Orange is the New Black and we're already obsessed with her. The Australian actress had an interview with Elle.com where she spoke about about how she identifies herself as gender fluid.
Rachel Dolezal The NAACP Leader Lies About Being Black
Rachel Dolezal was exposed by her parents, who confirmed that she is white and not black as she has been portraying. The National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People (NAACP) community leader started to ‘disguise herself’’ in 2006 and
Where To Meet Mr Right
Most of the questions that are sent to me via Ask Oloni are usually to do with a woman who has never had a boyfriend or dated. The girl who has grown up and seen her friends fall in and
Rock, Paper, Boyfriend
We’ve all heard of the phrase ‘Chicks before d*cks’ but why does this rule never work? Nor hold any value? I’ll tell you why, because sometimes/most times it’s not actually true. How many times can you say you’ve had a