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Grab a copy of The Big O: An empowering guide to loving, dating and f**king

Ladies, shall we have some Brunch? Come celebrate International Women’s Day March 8th. Eat, laugh and make some new girlfriends!

I’m seeing this guy but I have this gut feeling that he is using me as a rebound (you know that feeling us girls get when you know there is something wrong) anyways there’s no proof that he is but I can tell by his status, posts etc. I want to know but we are still early stages and I don’t want it to look like I’m hurt or anything. What should I do? 30. April 2015

You carry on seeing him, time will tell if your gut is right. Another thing also, SEE other guys too!! You are ALLOWED.

I known this guy a month we have a honest friendship we like each other but are not together he told me he has a friend with benefits, however still talks to her he wants me to be with him but I don’t like him talking to this girl, what do I do I really like him? 30. April 2015

First step is talking to him about how you feel about it. If it’s a FWB then he shouldn’t have no problem with killing that ‘friendship’.  That’s the only way to look at it in my opinion.

Oloni, I’ve been speaking to this guy I met online for a while now and he sends a lot of mixed signals! I’m not sure if his intentions are sexual or not but either way I’m put off by him. How do I break it down to him that I’m no longer interested in him!? He’s sweet and all but I feel like I need to take a break and focus on me for a while! I’m just never good with these things, I never know how to bring it up! Please help… Thanks in advance Oloni x 30. April 2015

Hey darling, luckily it’s online so all you really have to say is ‘Hey xyz, I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you and all but I don;t see this going any further, especially because of xyz’. .  I hope that helps.

My boyfriend cheated on me recently with a female he used to see, I’ve generally got trust issues & feel like he’s going to do it again .. I go through his phone trying to find something but I don’t. Am I weird for feeling like this even though he’s much more loving & caring then before 30. April 2015

Girll I always say it, but a cheating partner isn’t always going to be easy. Some couples get through it, others can’t perhaps you need more time? Speak to him about it. Let him know what you’ve resulted to and hopefully he can help make you feel more secure. Best of luck x

Hi O, I met a guy at your soirée a couple of months ago. We been talking and went out for drinks maybe a month after, and after that I thought I would initiate the next I guess ‘second date’ we kinda set a date and basically him being busy etc completely forgot and didn’t come back to me, I was fuming and didn’t contact or message until 3 weeks later saying how I felt which was FUMING, he apologised and we been speaking again since then and he’s been going out of his way to message me now. Now my dilemma is that I would like to get to know him a little more but afraid to puck up the courage to see if we can go on that second outing. I don’t know if he’s placed me in the ‘friendship’ category or doesn’t genuinely know how to approach the ‘dating’ thing – should I let it go or be brave and ask again? 30. April 2015

Hey love, first off I want to say THANK YOU for coming to my Mingling Soiree, I appreciate it! Now as for the new guy, I think you should mention it instead of playing the waiting game. See his approach to it and see if he actually changes. Next time, do not fume! The last thing you want is to chase away a guy you’ve only just been getting to know.

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