8 Signs You’ve Got a Shit Girlfriend And Should Be Single
It’s not often talked about how women can also behave appallingly in relationships and if we are to tackle the way some men still treat women we have to hold women to account as well.
Here at Simply Oloni, we are a sex-positive platform for everyone – especially our ladies – but also, to the wonderful male readers we have who support our fight for sexual liberation.
So, this is for them. To provide them with the warning signs but also as a reminder for us to hold our friends to account if you see them treating a man horrendously. Or perhaps to the bad girlfriends who have stumbled across this article, here’s a wake-up call.
We need to talk loudly about this kind of woman as so often their abuse towards their partners goes unnoticed or not held accountable because tragically it is harder for men to come forward when they’re in a toxic relationship.
What are the signs then, you ask? To the crazy girls who clicked this article to see if the shoe fits, and to the poor blokes who already know deep down their girlfriend is trash… here are the signs!
She hates your friends
If she dislikes your friends for no real reason, she’s trying to use an isolation tactic.
A trademark tool of abusers which often starts with simple remarks about your friends such as, “Who is she?” or “you see your friends too much”.
Before you know it, she’s pouting when you go out with the boys and blowing your phone up the whole time you’re out.
A woman who is comfortable and loves you deeply will be very understanding of you needing boy time. Hell, she’ll want girl time too.
She treats you like her servant
If she treats you more like you work for her than you’re a team, she doesn’t care about your needs.
She’ll regularly insult you and bring you down to make you feel lesser so you do things for her.
For example, she’ll expect you to meet all of her demands and throw a strop if you don’t. She won’t take a second to think about you or your needs.
She picks fights for no reason
Other than being pure annoying when someone does this it’s emotionally draining and a huge red flag – if not the biggest.
You have to think to yourself, what kind of person starts arguments and causes pain to the one they love because they’re bored or for no reason?
Psychopaths, that’s who.
She’s a cheater
A given. Someone who truly loves you would never even take the risk of hurting you or losing you.
The simple – but painful – truth is that people who cheat are being selfish and perhaps they will learn from it or they won’t but you shouldn’t give them a second chance.
They need to sort their shit out and you need to move on and focus on you. Chapter closed.
She doesn’t support you
If she doesn’t listen to you when you talk about your dreams, your bad days, your best ones – she’s just not that into you.
A good girlfriend won’t ever get in the way of your success. As she’d expect you to, she’ll be there to cheer you on and support you just as you would her.
Bad ones will want to hold you back so you stay small. They’re likely scared you’ll leave them if you level-up. Which, you should.
She trash talks your mum
Like your friends, a bad girlfriend will want to isolate you from even your own family – especially your mum if you’re close or you respect your mum’s opinions.
A bad one will see this as a huge threat and try and tear down yours and your mother’s bond.
She certainly won’t want hurdles around if controlling you is her mission.
She tries to change you
It’s normal to want to buy your new boyfriend a new hoodie if one of his is really ugly but there’s a massive line that should not be crossed.
Men too need to keep their own identity in a relationship and their style, who they are and what they like is a big part of that.
If she keeps trying to change little things about you that you like about yourself, run.
Your friends don’t like her
Different to your girlfriend hating your friends, if your friends don’t like her there’s usually a reason.
They can tell when your vibe changes so if all your friends are telling you your girlfriend is bad, it’s probably wise to listen if you respect their opinions.
Your friends (if you’re lucky to have good ones) will want to see you happy so seeing you in a bad relationship is not something they want to experience either.
These signs are among many. But if you have a few or are unfortunate enough to have most or all, know your self worth and if respect isn’t what your partner can offer, there’s a big chance they’re not for you.
Sophie Violet