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How To Stick To Your New Year’s Resolutions

So we’re all in the new year and I’m sure many of you witnessed the “New year, new me” tweets on twitter and across every other social network known to man. According to psychologists, most of us set goals that can be unreasonable, and when we don’t achieve them we become anxious and our self-worth lowers.

We also tend to focus on making changes to negative things about ourselves and the things we dislike, when we should be focusing on the positives.

So here at Simply Oloni, we have a guide to making and keeping effective New Year’s resolution;

 Make it specific and measurable

Don’t be one those people who say they’re hitting the gym on the 1st of January, with no intentions of why they are even going to the gym and what they are going to work on. There is a difference between a vague goal and a specific goal.  Like mentioned earlier, “going to the gym to get a hot body” would be looked at as a vague goal, where as saying “I would like to go the gym and work on my abs, glutes, biceps etc. 3 times a week for the next 3 months” would be more specific.

Another way to make it measurable is to break down your goal into smaller daily goals, so you are able to achieve your overall goal without feeling that you’ve put a burden upon yourself.

Make it attainable

Is your New Year’s resolution attainable? Do you have the effort and time that it takes to achieve your goal? Think about that.

Make it relevant and realistic

Do you really want to go to the gym? Do you really want to read more books? Do you really want a boyfriend/girlfriend? Do you really want to give up junk food forever?

You have to decided whether you really want to make these changes, ask yourself why you want to reach this goal? What is the objective behind the goal you’re setting out to make?

So tell us, what are your New Year’s goals?


Namaste; Call me Freda Lee. The Editor's PA and lifestyle writer. Also a 20 year old undergraduate dance student, who pens poetry.

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